Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A little late

Ok, I know I said this would be a daily thing, but I got a little behind. Sorry. Anyways, today we had our first snow in Storrs. Kinda. It was just some lake effect snow, merely a dusting. So, as my friend pointed out, since it melted in about 5 minutes, it doesn't really count. The first snow must be enough to make a snow ball. So I'm still waiting, although I did like the view. Once I get my camera up here I'll post some pictures.

Movie of the Day: Alien 3
Most people don't like this movie, but I do. It's dark, and David Fincher killed off everybody 'cept Ripley in the first five minutes, but that only lends to the atmosphere. You really don't know who to root for. Even Ripley has flaws. It was also nice to see Lance in a sneaky surprise scene towards the end. Overall, I'll give it an 8 out of 10.

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